
Cloud marketplaces sales to hit US$45 billion by 2025

Canalys estimates that cloud marketplaces will grow to over US$45 billion by 2025, representing an 84% CAGR. Cloud marketplaces are accelera...[Read More]

Alibaba Unveils Top Technology Trend Forecasting for 2023

Alibaba DAMO Academy (“DAMO”), the global research initiative by Alibaba Group, has shared its annual forecasting of the leading technology ...[Read More]

US is home to half of all hyperscale data centers

As the number of large data centers operated by hyperscale providers increased to over 800 at the end of the second quarter, new data from S...[Read More]

IDC places Alibaba as the third largest public cloud IaaS service provider

Alibaba maintained its position as the third largest public cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) service provider globally in 2021, acco...[Read More]

Alibaba makes the source code open for FederatedScope

Alibaba DAMO Academy, the global research initiative by Alibaba Group, announced it has made the source code of its latest federated learnin...[Read More]

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