JAGGAER Releases Its Second ESG Report

JAGGAER has released its second Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Report. It illustrates, through a series of case studies, how JAGGAER’s source-to-pay technology is playing an increasingly important role in helping customers to make better use of the world’s scarce resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, make a positive impact on society and improve governance of the supply chain through greater transparency.

JAGGAER also reports on its progress in advancing ESG best practices within its organisation. Since 2021, JAGGAER has calculated its greenhouse gas emissions and now reported baseline figures to develop and implement near-term and long-term carbon reduction plans. The company has submitted its scope 1-3 emissions reduction targets and roadmap to the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) for validation later this year.

JAGGAER has worked with its owners, the international private equity firm Cinven, to reevaluate its mission, vision and values to encompass ESG principles set out in this report. In 2022 JAGGAER subjected its activities to greater scrutiny by external agencies and measured progress against internationally recognised benchmarks. 

As Chief Human Resources Officer and Executive ESG Sponsor Michelle Hamill states in her introduction: “The report has been prepared in reference to the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. Throughout 2022, we took steps to improve our performance as ESG exemplars. We started putting greenhouse gas emission reduction plans in place that are in line with the Paris Agreement 1.5-degree pathway. 

“We enhanced ESG governance by introducing our Board of Directors ESG Committee, and we have worked to make our commitments globally recognised, setting a precedent for transparency and continuous improvement in the context of ESG, having become a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact.”

Progress has already been made against several KPIs in 2022: for example, greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by 10%. JAGGAER also achieved an EcoVadis Bronze Medal Rating for its global operations, improving its score on 2021 by 12 points and coming in the top 15% of similar firms worldwide on business ethics. JAGGAER has made further progress on diversity. Forty per cent of its global workforce is female, as is a third of its executive leadership team. 

“We are currently leading the way in terms of gender equality, and even though there is still significant room for improvement, we are delighted with this achievement in removing barriers for women to becoming high achievers in a typically male-dominated field,” said Hamill.

As an ESG enabler, JAGGAER is helping customers in the following ways, which are set out in case studies within the report:

Environmental: A leading global supplier of engineering and technology services, which employs more than 400,000 associates worldwide, uses JAGGAER for sourcing, supplier management and contracts management. The company is making use of the supplier segmentation assessment within the JAGGAER ONE platform to create a CO2 status element, enabling it to ensure compliance with emissions standards within its supplier network.

Social: A large European energy company needed to evaluate suppliers’ corporate social responsibility and demonstrate ESG capabilities during the onboarding process and sourcing events. It is using JAGGAER Sourcing+ and Savings Management+ modules with supplier responses captured, exported and assessed in business intelligence and analytics platforms.

Governance: A Spanish energy company committed to transitioning to an entirely renewable generation value chain, including solar projects with more than 30 gigawatts of capacity, has embarked on an ambitious project to digitalise 100% of its procurement processes using JAGGAER software.

John Cuyulis, Principal at Cinven, who serves on the JAGGAER Board as a non-executive director, stated: “Cinven is committed to investing in sustainable businesses that will provide employment and generate economic benefit in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. We all recognise that ESG is a journey, not a destination, and over the past year, JAGGAER has demonstrated both progress and a determination to achieve more demanding targets in 2023.”

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