Rittal presents new Edge Data Center configurator

Rittal presented its latest offering a web-based configurator to help plan the use of an Edge Data Center quickly, easily and cost-effectively to process the vast amounts of data involved in this digital transformation, near to the point where the data originates.

Companies that network their production or purchase new Industry 4.0-capable machinery to manufacture more efficiently need data in real time. So-called “edge data centers” process IT capacities close to the production facilities. Through these applications, latency times are kept low and the processed data is available immediately.

By using the new Rittal “Edge Data Center Configurator”, companies can run through the versatile application potentials of an edge data center quickly, easily and cost-effectively, based on their very own requirements. The online configurator is designed for IT solutions ranging from 2 to 8 racks and from 3 to 30 kW. It includes the analysis and configuration of rack, climate control, power supply and safety components.

LCU DX or LCP DX refrigerant-based solutions are available in the field of climate control. Power distribution units (PDUs) can be added to IT racks to ensure efficient power distribution.

This online tool enables IT safety solutions, such as the CMC III (Computer Multi Control) to virtually configure the temperature measurement and access control, as well as automatic door opening and early fire detection.

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